Professional Research

Blue Sanctuary Professional Research Program

Successfully dealing with today’s volatile and complex environmental changes is more important than ever. While the coronavirus pandemic has reshuffled global priorities, we cannot stave off our efforts to fight the worldwide marine life population crisis. These times are giving us an unprecedented opportunity to collectively hit the reset button and make changes to build back a better, more resilient world. At Blue Sanctuary, we believe in progress and in the people who pursue it in a responsible way. We support changemakers – people and organizations that ignite, lead, and advocate for progress in the world. With over 30 years of experience, we play a significant role in educating anglers, divers, and naturalists to be part of the change. We provide access to our sector knowledge of sustainable marine resource management techniques while assisting them to achieve the same goals in their local communities.

Environmental advocates are tenacious about the greater good, and committed to the advancement of the protection and preservation of ecosystems. We are happy to support them as researchers in our protected areas, for a mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge.

The Blue Sanctuary Research program provides visitors with the opportunity to acquire and apply cross-disciplinary expertise needed to address critical issues of sustainable development such as marine park management insights, climate change impacts, fish tagging and survey programs, as well as environmental degradation. Candidates who have developed diverse approaches during their on site studies will find numerous, unique opportunities to engage in programs on the leading edge of sustainable development research. We make things personal, easy and enjoyable for participants, then step aside and let them exercise their expertise.

Past Research Projects sponsored by Blue Sanctuary

  • The coral ecosphere: A unique coral reef habitat that fosters coral–microbial interactions.
  • Distribution and status of living colonies of Acropora spp. In the reef crests of a protected marine area of the Caribbean.
  • An evaluation of the framework for national marine environmental policies in Cuba.
  • Vulnerability of nearshore tropical finfish in Cuba: implications for scientific and management planning.
  • Movements of female silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis) as tracked by satellite-linked tags off the Caribbean coast of Cuba.
  • Achievements and challenges of marine turtle conservation in Cuba.
  • Status of Cuban coral reefs.
  • Cuban land use and conservation, from rainforests to coral reefs.
  • Patterns of population connectivity in marine organisms of Cuba.
  • The ecology and conservation of Cuba’s coastal and marine ecosystems.
  • Lionfish population control techniques at Cuban Marine Parks.
  • Goliath grouper (Epinephelus itajara) Research and Conservation in Cuba.
  • Terrestrial Ecosystems Monitoring in Cuban marine parks.
  • Fish tagging & counting programs.

*For a complete list of all studies please visit  Blue Sanctuary Investigative Research.

This is a wonderful opportunity for marine science enthusiasts; and because of the large scale nature of this ongoing project, the participation in Blue Sanctuary’s program can aid in the advancement of professional careers across multiple disciplines through environmental education. With the collaboration of our partners, and the expertise of participants, we move closer to our goal of a better world. We look forward to bringing  people together whose mission is to future proof one of the most pristine marine systems in the Americas through innovative ideas and research based methods.
We look forward to hosting you and engaging professionally, in a collaborative manner, to further the research of Cuba’s Blue Sanctuaries!